More Mockups

I was playing very briefly with some isometric perspectives and ended up with this:

Our main protags tiny bedroom

But, as much as I really loved the isometric, it just wasn't working within the boundaries of how I wanted the spaces to feel? I'm beginning to get a feel for the Three Quarters Top Down View that I've begun to develop and the tile based setup I'm going for works well and I think it could really streamline the process when I actually begin making these dungeons and explorable spaces in engine.

More pixel mockups

It's also been really fun realizing just how painterly a lot of pixel art actually is and it's a lot of fun playing with limited colors in a limited space and seeing just what I can pull out of it. It's not easy sometimes, but the fact that the items that I'm rendering read as what I want them to is a good start and I can always refine them later. (And if it really comes down to it I can tweak the palette a little bit and add a few more values or whatever, but I'm finding a good compromise here.)

I think the next set of mock-ups I'm going to focus on are going to be putting some real thought into how I want the UI to look and just how decorative I want to go with the shop UI and the menus and battle stuff... 🤔


Doing Worldbuilding

