Doing Worldbuilding

Hey guys! I’m just making a quick devlog because it’s been a little while.

The band’s all here!

I’m still working on the project, but my health has been giving me issues and I’ve been having to prioritize that and my day job over working on the game. Unfortunately, bills and car payments have to take priority over a passion project and I’ve had to be careful with how I allot my energy.

That isn’t to say there’s been no progress whatsoever. I’ve been putting a lot of focus on getting the narrative of this story driven RPG ironed out and I’ve even been patching some massive plot holes. The game itself is currently divided into different chapters, each in a different location with a different boss and set of obstacles.

I’m still planning on having turn based combat, but I’m thinking of leaning into a more exploration based gameplay loop with puzzles. I really enjoy how massive and liminal the envionments feel in MOTHER1, and I think, if the encounters are not random and annoyingly persistant, like in that game it could be a fun balance. I’m also thinking of a type of collectable that would insentivise players to want to explore.

The setting of this game, Dis, is supposed to be big. It’s supposed to be huge. Hell itself is literally impossibly physics breakingly huge and getting larger by the day. And while there are places in there that would be pretty average by Earth standards, if a place touts itself as "The Largest XYZ In Hell" it is literally going to be at least the size of a human city at minimum.

And I want to reflect that world building in the actual gameplay itself.


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