
Hello friends! A quick update!

It's been going a very slow, due to some poor health in addition to my full time day job, but I've been making a lot of progress on the story and overall structure of the game and narrative and I’ve hit the point in the project where I now have multiple game design documents.

Concept art of Callafia, one of the chapter bosses.

I am currently stuck on some story beats however and I'm working on that problem occasionally, all while trying not to force it too hard, but I might have to pivot and work on another part of pre-production for now. The biggest problem the inspiration I have for that particular bit is handled very differently than how I want to handle it in my own story and I don't know quite where to go from here yet.

But- overall I'm actually very happy with a lot of the progress I've made and I'm beginning to work on some character designs and a lot more sprite studies as well. I've been looking back at some old games and music and finding a lot of good inspiration and I have a couple ideas for where I wanna go visually, and while it is definitely evolving to be much different than my initial idea, that's not always a bad thing!




A Question of Balance