Getting Started

I'm an artist and writer first, a programmer last, so while I've been learning the code I've been trying to figure out the aesthetic I wanna go for? I'm still not sure if we're gonna go sprite based yet, but I'm working of some concepts more then anything.

A quick mock-up of a potential battle menu.

The current goal is for a Turn-Based RPG with elements of SMT's Press Turn system and MOTHER 3's beat based battle system and odometer-esque health bar. I wanna try to get past the complaints that even I have about turn-based RPGs and a big part of that is trying to go for a high risk-high reward framework to alleviate a lot of the grind and boredom that is indicative of other TB RPGS.

As for the plot? Nothing much is in stone yet, but it's gonna be set in Hell and you're a metalhead demon trying to find the best non-mortal musicians you can to start a band... And things unfold more along the way! I want it to be mostly lighthearted and goofy, but I do wanna also pull in that heartfelt vibe you get from other MOTHERlikes... As well as the hints of horror. The balance between the three is something I've always loved in MOTHER 3 and I want to try for it.

All I have is a bunch of notes and some mockups, but I like the direction so far!


Ideas time