A New Beginning

So, after the power surge I decided to step back and reassess everything. I’d been questioning my choice of engines for a while and I think I was falling into the sunk cost fallacy, trying to make what I had already done work.

Concept art of Lucy, feat. a lyric from He Is by Ghost.

But, I think I FINALLY settled what game engine I'm gonna use for this project and I've decided to go with Game Maker Studio instead of Godot. Godot is great and surprisingly powerful and I'd like to come back to it someday, but the learning curve is just... too steep for me with the quality of tutorial I've been finding. I'm one of those people that needs the why explained to me and most of what I’ve been finding only goes through the steps without much of the why that I need. That said, once I'm a bit more familiar with programming logic and less overwhelmed just tyring to learn bout making a game even works, I might give it another chance though.

Also- last year was a huge mess for me from a mental health standpoint (thats what all of my repeated mentions of my health have been about, actually) and I’ve had to take a lot of repeated breaks, so even though I've been working on this project for almost a year and a half now, all together it's probably only been around actually 6 months of work. I feel less annoyed about how long it's been taking bc of that at least, and, if my current plans go according to plan, I'm going to eventually be able to commit more time to this project in the coming months.

And honestly I'm just tired of waffling around and talking about this project and working on it on the side and never having quite enough time to fully commit to trying to make this project work. I WANT to commit more time to it and I'm hoping eventually I can.

I'm certainly not planning on leaving my day job anytime soon, but I am planning on dropping down to part time at work soon, both for my health and this project. But that's a bit of a long term goal and currently I'm just... trying to make all that possible.


Good News!


Happy Pride Month!